The WildNet Africa Wildlife Portal
Here we are learning about African wildlife

Try Envirokids for some fun learning.

You may wish to select from the list of articles we have on-line, or you may want to choose articles from the following magazines:

Or how about some scientific articles.

Then there are the interesting columns such as Eco-Watch contributed by Kim Helfrich and The Elephant's Ear contributed by Guy Rogers.

There are also a number of newsletters available on-line.

For information on animals of Africa, try the Big Five, or our Rhino Park.

Some serious conservation information can be found in our CITES centre.

Then you may want to look further afield. Try the African Wildlife Resource for starters, and Man in Nature for trying to get to grips with our humanity.

Whales of Hermanus and more.

The Southern Africa Environment Project gives you news and information with a southern African flavour.

Learn from the interesting snippets featured in the 50/50 programme Veldfocus.

Mad about elephants, then try The Absolut Elephant Home Page.

Yes, this is Africa, but here are some nice international wildlife sites...
Bagheera on-line has wonderful images and useful information.
The BBC Animal Zone is, well, what else would you expect? Try it!